The Incidental Person (after John Latham) group show, 2010.
Apex Art, Church Street, New York, 2010.
Curator: Antony Hudek
Artists: Ron Bernstein, Raphaële Bidault-Waddington, Luca Frei, Will Holder, Marysia Lewandowska, Gianni Motti, Brian O’Doherty, Joachim Pfeufer, Keiko Sei, Barbara Steveni, Megan Francis Sullivan, Neal White, Harrell Fletcher with faculty and students from Portland State University MFA Art and Social Practice.
Exhibited work: “Polygon Station”, modular research space and mood-board including a series of diagrams: Polygon Program; Paris Galaxy conceptual model; Polygon Past Track (RBW labs history); Spéculation sur Valeur-Image; Perspective (aesthetic audit methodology).
The Polygon Station hosted a series of research conversation, round-table and conference during the exhibition.
Curator’s statement on + Artworks presentation + pdf
The Incidental Person (after John Latham) exhibition seeks to interrogate the historical filiation of English artist John Latham, founder with his wife Barbara Steveni, of the Artist Placement Group, in the 60’s. This platform placed artists in private and public organizations, in order to experiment and have an artistic incidence on society, not necessarily materialized in a concrete art production, thus contributing to conceptual-art’s intent to dematerialize art.
For this exhibition, Raphaële Bidault-Waddington (RBW) launches Polygon via a modular workstation and a press conference. The Polygon collaborative research platform will address RBW’s ongoing research themes, displaying affinities with John Latham’s work, such as the aesthetics of organizations or the value of art-based research as a strategic form of artistic incidence. The Polygon station operates as a giant mood-board enabling to experiment and stage “polygonal” (multifaceted) research sessions, organize large panoramas of information (RBW’s diagrams and other research material), spatialize content, and think visually and collectively.
Following this exhibition, the Polygon has performed other research episodes such as in the Mental Matter exhibition at Espace d’En Bas gallery in Paris.