

Image, literature, future fiction


2021: Mesopolis, story of an ecosophical, generative and resilient expe-topia (Fr), Bad to the Bone Review #16, Paris.

2016-18: Machination (Fr), theory-fiction experiment with text and photomontage, 8 episodes, (literature platform), Paris.

2016: Semiospace, a Spaced-Out Artistic Experiment (Fr-En), diagram and essay, co-written with curator Sylvain Menetrey, Clinamen publishing, Geneva. 70p.

2014: The Shadow of Doubt (Fr), theory-fiction with text and photomontage, Cahiers Européens de l’Imaginaire #6 Fake, CNRS publishing (academic), Paris.

2013: Constellations, series of conceptual diagrams, Dorade review #5, Paris-Geneva.

2013: Playground / New Eldorado (Fr-En), future fiction for the Villa Garikula resulting from a research trip in Georgia, Dorade review #5, Paris-Geneva.

2013: Words in the Sky (in French), semantic tale, Espace n°9 (literature review), Paris.

2012: -De la Fin du Mon- (in French), semantic tale,, (literature platform), Paris.

2010: Republic of Images (Fr-En), theory-fiction, text and photomontage, Tales Magazine #5

2010: Persona-Image (Fr), text and photomontages series, Revue Pylone #7 (art and philosophy), Brussels.

2010: Narcissus (Fr), text and photomontage, Tales Magazine #4 Mythology, Paris.

2009: Urban Forest (Fr-En), text and photomontage, Tales Magazine #1 (culture).

2008: Titles #10 & 11, collage series, in J. Schmidt and E. Noteris (edtrs), J.G. Ballard, hautes altitudes (Fr), è®e publishing, Paris.

2007: A Short Story of Christiania in 3 Utopias (Fr), future fiction, France Fiction Magazine, Paris.

2005: Phototherapic Mission (Fr), text and photomontage, Nuke review (art), Paris.

2004: Story Contest (Fr), photomontage and game, Chronic’art Magazine (culture), Paris.

2004: Christiania Patchworks, photomontages, in Provos, Drugs & Illusions, People’s Press, Copenhagen.

2003: Collages Contest (Fr), photomontage and game, Revue Redux, Paris.

2003: Abstract breaks, photomontage, (art and music platform).

2003: Big Bang (Fr), text and photomontage, Hypercourt review (literature), è®e publishing, Paris.

2002: Aesthetic Intelligence Yield, diagram, C Magazine (art), Toronto.

2002: Black and White Dilemma, diagram, Famous (experimental music fanzine), Paris.

2001: Volatility Story, photomontages, Magazine ®, Paris.


+ Academia page


2024: Urban Networks and Constellations, chapter in Rozenblat, C. (ed), Cities and Networks Coproduction, ISTE/Wiley publishing.

2023: Actors of urban health at the world and continental scales: An intercontinental comparison of urban health actions using topic modeling on a large worldwide web mining (2000-2021), with Rozenblat, C. and Marino, D., chapter in Kourtit K. Nijkamp P. (eds.). The Future of Liveable Cities, Springer press?

2023: Contribution and Limits of Science-Fiction to Responsible Innovation: The Case of Ready Player One Analyzed with the 5F Grid, Technologies et Innovation, Volume 23-8, ISTE Open Science, France.

2021: Designing post-human futures, chapter in Carrillo, J. (ed), Knowledge for the Anthropocene, Edward Elgar publishing.

2021: Fostering resilient co-learning ecosystems in the city, chapter in Carrillo, J. (ed), City Preparedness For Climate Change, Edward Elgar publishing.

2017: Aesthetic Intelligence Experiments and New Frontiers, an art-based research laboratory translated into a critical design strategy, in Design for Next 2017 conference proceedings, Design Journal Open Access, Taylor & Francis publishing.

2014: Paris Galaxies in Perspective, Aesthetic Audit Critical Report, in A. Schramme, R. Kooyman, G. Hagoort (eds.), Beyond Frames, Cultural and Creative Industries, Knowledge Institutions and the Urban Environment, Antwerp University, Eburon Publishing.

2013: Paris Galaxies, a Vision for the Greater Paris (abstract in En-Fr), Collection review issue #5 (Art, Design and Economy), Paris College of Art and Paris Sorbonne University Press.

2012: Paris Galaxy Inc.: a Conceptual Model and Holistic Strategy toward Envisioning Urban Development, Parsons Journal for Information Mapping, Volume IV, Issue #1, New School, NY, US.

2011: Innovation: The Role of Art in Territories (Fr),

2011: Testimony of a Self-Made Artist (in French), in Y. Toma and R. Barrientos (eds.), Artistes & Enterprisesproceedings of the Artists-Entrepreneur international conference in 2010, Paris Sorbonne University press.

2007: Christiania, future planning map, in A.Tietjen, S. Riesto, P. Skov (eds), Forankring I Forandring, Christiania og Bevaring som Resources I Byomdannelse, Arkitektskolens Forlag, Copenhagen.

2006: Christiania in Perspective, an Experimental Aesthetic Audit of a City within a City, in J. Carrillo, Knowledge Cities, Approaches, Experiences and Perspectives, Butterworth-Heinemann / Elsevier publishing, New York.

2005: Speculation on Value-Image: Work Hypothesis (in French), methodological diagram, in Marge review (Art Dept., Paris 8 University), issue #5, Presses Universitaires Françaises (PUF).


essays, tribunes


2020: Toward Alien Cosmologies: Prospective Topology of an Anthropological Reset (Fr), essay, planisphere and moodboards, FuturHebdo Anthologie Prospective #4, 2020.

2020: Toward Alien Cosmologies, AI and the Human Frontier, essay, Susch Muzeum review #1.

2020: When the Notion of Impact Replaces the one of Performance (Fr), co-written with Michel Bauwens, (founder of the P2P Foundation), (main French economic newspaper).

2020: Open-letter for an EU Marshall Plan for Training and Education, with Marie-Hélène Caillol and the EU Resilience Collective, and la (French version).

2020: Covid-19: An Economic Resilience Strategy via Training and Creativity (En), essay,

2020: Training Together for a Real Green New Deal (Fr), editorial,

2017-19: Paris Ars Universalis, fiction scenario of a Future Greater Paris metropolis (Fr), Avant-Garde Collection (foresight), L’Harmattan publishing, Paris. 190p. (published in 2017, and republished in 2019).

2012-19: Futur(s), yearly prospective publication, international scope (Fr-En), with Peclers Future Trends, Paris. Specific themes: Reinventing Utopias; Resetting Collective Purpose; Digital and Environmental Transitions, Change and Innovation; Re-Humanizing Value; New Multicultural Imaginaries; Age of Soft Power: Decolonizing Imaginaries; Alien Cosmologies; Navigating the Multiverse; Chaoism and Dataldeluge; Expression and Existence; Reconquering inner space; etc.

2011-19: Future(s) of Cities (100 pages), of Campuses (80p), of Urban Resilience (60p), of Social and Urban Innovation (40p), series of commissioned future trends reports (Fr), Paris.

2018: Hospitality and Resilience, Four future Scenarios for Arles and its Transregion in Perspective (Fr-En), in Hospitality: Searching for Common Ground, Luma Days review #2, Atelier LUMA / LUMA Foundation, Arles.

2012: Business Districts in Mutation (Fr), co-written with E. Fric, Revue Centralité issue #1 (Urbanism), Paris.

2011: The Sense and Rhythm of Innovation (Fr), editorial,

2011: Art Nations Society, Venice Biennale critical analysis (Fr), Tales Magazine, issue #8.

2010: Art-Based Research, discussion with JM Avrilla, Tales Magazine, issue #5.

2010: Backstage Dubai, Tales Magazine, issue #4.

2010: Citymix or the Art of Urban Strategies, Shanghai World Expo (Fr), La Tribune journal.

2009: A Strategy for the French Pavilion, Shanghai World Expo 2010 (Fr),

2008: Sanitary Crisis in the Financial Ecosystem (Fr),

2008: Paris Galaxies Inc., a non-conventional scenario for the Greater Paris (Fr),

2007: Art to Re-Invent and Project into the Future (Fr), in Pierre Musso, Laurent Ponthou et Eric Seulliet (eds.), Fabriquer le Futur 2 (Making the Future 2), Ed. Village Mondial.

2000: Aesthetic Intelligence to Benefit Companies (Fr), Les Echos (French economic newspaper), Paris.